Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme

We work in conjunction with the 15th Glasgow Scout Group to offer all levels of the Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) Award Scheme.  As a trained outdoor activity group, we are able to run our own expeditions, thereby drastically reducing the cost.


The DofE website is the best source of up-to-date information, however the sections below provide some guidance to each of the Bronze, Silver and Gold levels and their requirements.

Bronze: for ages 14+.  Usually takes approx 6 months to complete.  Has a requirement of 3 months of volunteering, 3 months physical  activity and 3 months of a skill; plus an additional 3 months of one of these three items.  A 2 day/1 night expedition is also required.

Silver: for ages 15+.  Takes at least 6 months to complete. Has a requirement of 6 months of volunteering, 3 months physical activity and 3 months of a skill; plus an additional 3 months of one of these latter two items.  A 3 day/2 night expedition is also required.

Gold: for ages 16+.  Takes at least 12 months to complete. Has a requirement of 12 months of volunteering, 6 months physical activity and 6 months of a skill; plus an additional 6 months of one of these latter two items.  A 4 day/3 night expedition is also required.  Plus there is a requirement to complete a shared activity in a residential setting away from home for 5 days / 4 nights.



