Outdoor and Adventure
Campcraft - Tents, fires, campsite layout, hygiene, pioneering, gadgets, stoves, axe and saw... it's all in here and helps you become experts in going on camp.
Survival Skills - Could you survive in the wild without a tent, stove or pre-packed food? Try making a bivouac, foraging for food, lighting a fire without matches, purifying water and a whole host of other survival skills.
Peer-led Nights Away - If you fancy staying away without your leader, this challenge area will help you with all of the things you will need to plan including: where to go, what to do, getting a Nights Away Passport, transport, equipment, budgeting and fundraising.
Adventurous Activities - This challenge area is a chance to try some new adventurous activities, or develop skills in something you already love. Whether it's hiking, climbing, paddling, gliding, skiing or shooting there are literally hundreds of activities you could try.
Navigation - Navigation is all about finding your way around, whether you use a map and compass, GPS, street map, public transport, tracking and trails, the sun or the stars. From skills you could use on an expedition to geo-caching or treasure hunts in your local area, why not give it a go!
Creative - Covering all things creative, including traditional areas such as art or music, new media or entrepreneurial ideas. There are plenty of activities you can do without going anywhere near a paintbrush, a musical instrument or glitter (unless you want to!).
Communication - It's not just about mobile phones and social networking - Have you ever played 'Giants, Wizards, Elves', put up a tent blindfolded, joined in a debate, lifted a 'helium stick', or written an article for the local paper? This challenge area includes all sorts of fun activities to try with other people.
Cooking - From cooking an egg in an orange to a banquet over an open fire, decorating cupcakes to learning some staple student recipes, this is an opportunity to learn an important life skill (and enjoy eating the results of your efforts!).
Health and Fitness - This challenge area covers anything that is about keeping fit, healthy and active. It could include sport, physical fitness, healthy eating, drugs and alcohol awareness, sexual health, first aid, or other healthy lifestyle areas.
Teambuilding and Leadership - All about developing your teamwork and leadership skills in a fun way. You might want to use this challenge area when welcoming new members to your Unit, to develop as a small team for a particular event, to give leadership a go or simply to challenge yourself as a group.
International Scouting - Scouting is part of a global movement, with over 28 million members worldwide. This challenge area is a chance to explore the world around you, develop your research and presentation skills, or perhaps to prepare for a visit abroad.
Environment - Whether doing something practical in your local area, raising awareness or finding out about environmental issues and the natural world, this area is an important part of being an Explorer Scout. Topics could include climate change, recycling, deforestation, drought and flood, habitats, wildlife or pollution.
Culture - The world is full of interesting and different cultures. Find out about and take part in activities from around the UK, and around the World including festivals, traditions, language, clothing, faiths, music, values, or art.
Visits and Visitors - There are plenty of interesting places to go, and people to invite to visit you - from the police to athletes, businesses to parliament. The programme material for this area includes ideas on the types of visits or visitors you could arrange, and tips on how to go about it.
Citizenship - Take part in or influence change in your community. You might raise awareness about an issue you feel strongly about, engage with local councilors or MPs, take part in a campaign or work on something to improve your local community.