Young Leader Scheme
The Young Leaders' Scheme is just one of the exciting programme elements in the Explorer Scout section. All leaders in the Beaver Scout, Cub Scout and Scout Section who are between the ages of 14 and 18 must be members of an Explorer Scout Young Leaders' Unit. They are Explorer Scouts who choose to devote a large proportion of their time in Scouting to service in another section.
The Young Leaders' Scheme helps Explorer Scouts to develop and grow as individuals. It allows them to make a valuable contribution to their community and give service to others. The scheme also helps fulfil the service elements of their awards.

A Young Leaders' Badge and woggle should be awarded after completing Module A. This badge signifies that a Young Leader has completed their basic training.

A mission strip should be presented after completing each mission, these are placed around the module A badge.

A Young Leader belt buckle should be awarded on completion of the entire scheme

The Young Leader Service Award can be worn on the adult uniform to recognise completion of the Young Leaders' Scheme.